Regen Agro are the trusted sourcing experts in agricultural produce.
We understand that our clients require the highest level of quality produce and have unparalleled insights in this space, having owned and managed farms and plantations for several decades – both proprietary and for clients. Our network of partner farmers is ever increasing and are established across the country. We personally visit, audit and guide farmers to match client needs. Our pricing strategy strives to balance an assured and fair income for farmers while ensuring that the customers receive value for their money.
We have a rich offer for everyone
Fresh vegetables
Duis dignissim mi ut laoreet mollis. Nunc id tellus finibus, eleifend mi vel
Fresh fruit
Duis dignissim mi ut laoreet mollis. Nunc id tellus finibus, eleifend mi vel
For restaurants
Duis dignissim mi ut laoreet mollis. Nunc id tellus finibus, eleifend mi vel
We value the tradition of growing vegetables and fruits
Regen Agro was started by the Founders who share a passion for fresh, quality food ingredients, ethical and environmentally sustainable business practices and solid farmer partnerships. They have a combined business experience of nearly 100 years and are established business leaders.